
How bartering can help you get out of financial crisis

Is bartering an alternative solution to the current problems in the sector of our economy? One may ask if there is some possibility of the system salvaging the current problems in the financial sectors of most countries. Will it salvage the confusion and crisis in the financial sector? Barter trade is a form of exchange where goods and services are in exchange for other goods and services. On this system, there is no exchange of money while obtaining a commodity or even a service.

Euro Zone Crisis
How many of you have heard of the great financial crisis in the Euro zone? Indeed this has been a major challenge to the whole world. It is not only a problem to the people or individuals living in the European territory alone, but also a global catastrophe that is on the money system as the main form of exchange. The barter system would greatly help in salvaging the problem in Greece currently.

Greeks are eager to pull out of the Euro zone because they believe they are getting the very less as compared to their autonomous market system. Which market system will this be in any way? While visiting the towns in the Greece territory, one would be glad to see markets with several pieces of adornment as opposed to their dependent system in the Euro zone.

Creation of Freedom
Perhaps this because the system brought in by Money is very demeaning and is a factor of post colonialism to most markets. Greek and others in the same opinion view it this way. The term post colonialism mean different things to different individuals depending on their social, cultural and economical placing in the modern world. While the term colonialism receives, wide concurrence in both literal and constructive meanings trouble sets in when attempting to articulate the meaning of the word ‘post’. actually, sentiments indicating discomfort with the word ‘post’ abound in many works but the most pronounced one is Aboriginal’s activist Bobbi Sykes comment “What? Post colonialism? Have they left?

Bobbi’s comment will be the subject of our interest in defining what post colonialism is and its understanding by different cultures. Her comments are an epic turning point of thought that has drawn attention towards the concept and reality of post colonialism. A majority of papers do actually concur out rightly that we are never past being colonies. Anne Pyburn of Indiana University argues that as a society, we are never past anything and any thought to that direction is indeed a trick played by the colonial masters. In view of the aboriginal people, Pyburn echoes their sentiments that the term postcolonial is a product of the western intellectuals geared towards retaining dominance as monopolies who define the world.

The contention that we are situation in our social stratus with respect to post colonialism and that in a unique way our thoughts still contain embodiments of colonialism is a matter of interest in this paper. Bobbi Sykes comments echo the resistance to the not to the term per se but the notion that colonialism has a boundary that has already been passed with time and we are henceforth free of its chains. To analyze the factual existence of this sentiments this paper will focus on theories that pertain to colonialism and post colonialism. Issues that are yardsticks to measure the social wellbeing and understand it such as gender will receive focus in this article.

About the author: Maya Johnson specializes in business journalism. Her writings cover various areas in finance, marketing, money markets and investment. Her texts are helpful to everyone who runs a business, from the small-scale businessperson to the established business owners. She is currently working for an Australian branding company, specialized in flag banners. When not thinking about her job, she spends time with her husband and two children.