
Five Amazing Ways Kids Are Using Technology in School

One of the most exciting things about school today is all the cool technology kids get to interact with. Technology can certainly help assist the learning process. It can also give our children an edge when it comes to using technology to help shape our future. Below are five amazing ways kids are using technology in school.

1. Collaborating with Children from China 

One of the greatest things about information technology is that it gives you the ability to communicate with anyone in the world. Many American classrooms are taking advantage of this by using collaborative learning software, webcams and instant messaging to complete projects with other students from China, France, South Africa and a multitude of other countries.

Technology in Schools2. Building Robots for Class Projects 

While robots were once something only seen in science fiction, many classrooms are using commercial robotics technology as a teaching opportunity. While they may be tiny compared to the robots from movies, building little mechanized creatures can get a child a head start on a career in engineering.

3. Studying Single Cell Organisms 

Thanks to improvements in microscope technology, high powered school and student microscopes are now available for rather cheap. Students can use them to study life in its most basic form, tiny microbes and bacteria. Learning in such a fashion can help get children interested in a career in medical research that may someday lead to cures for many diseases.

4. Keeping Track of Heart Beats to Improve Physical Fitness 

New technology is even being integrated into physical education classes. For example, students can wear a tiny monitor while running to determine things like that student’s speed, heart rate and over all endurance level. This information can be recorded. The students can then be re-tested throughout the school year to determine their progress.

5. Completing Cyber Homework 

Many schools have abandoned handing out endless sheets of paper to be filled out and handed in the next day. Many teachers instead now post digital homework on blogs, classroom websites and online learning platforms. The homework is then finished by composing text via keyboard or selecting the right answer to multiple choice questions. This saves both time and paper.

However, not every new form of technology should be immediately integrated into a class. Schools have limited money, and certain technological products may prove to be distractions for students. Overall, though, if technology can help assist the learning process, it should be implemented in the classroom.