
How Website Loading Time Affects Sales

Website loading time is one of the vital factors to measure the performance of a website. With the information deluge on the Internet, user’s patience levels have been continuously decreasing. The speed of a website depends on the factors like the hosting, server times, website design, images on site, site content etc. It is known that 95% of web visitors determine within one second or less if any website is worthy of their business.

For e-commerce sites, web loading times are playing key role and it has been found that a delay is website loading lead to loss of revenue. Amazon revealed that every 100 ms increase in load time of decreased sales by 1% and Google discovered that a change in a 10-result page loading in 0.4 seconds to a 30-result page loading in 0.9 seconds decreased traffic and ad revenues by 20%.

People doesn’t interest if an e-commerce site takes more time to load and consequently sites loose visitors. So companies have to latest technologies to increase the performance of the website and have to use response themes to attract all types of users.

The website landing pages have to optimize is proper manner to increase the loading time. Faster web pages will also increase conversion and it leads to higher impact on long-term sales than perceived.